― 名勝 庭園 と ご祈祷の お寺 ―
中部四十九薬師霊場 第四十三番札所
しょうざん じ おん ぜん 
臨済宗妙心寺派 鍾山 慈恩禅寺
市指定 名勝「 園」

English Page

 Jion-Zenji is a Zen temple, that was founded in the 16th century by a feudal lord named Endo Yoshitaka. The main priest of the temple. Hanzan, was appointed with the recommendation of the top rank priest, Enmyo, who lived in the Myoshin-ji Zen temple in Kyoto.
 The statue of the historical Buddha is located in the main hall.
 There are four mausoleums in the temple compound, which are dedicated to the past four feudal lords who have governed the fief.
 This temple has been granted the honorary title of "protection of the states". This title was written by a royal prince, master or calligraphy, and made into a plaque in the 17th century.
 Later, the Zen monastery was added to the site. At this time, Priest Torin was the head monk of the temple.
 Unfortunately, in 1893, a terrible flood destroyed all the temple buildings, except for the main gate and a gate used exclusively for the imperial messengers.
 The reigning emperor of the time, Emperor Meiji, sent one of his chamberlations to inquire about the damages.
 Three years after the flood, the temple was restored and remains as it is now.

Autumn maple leaves until early or mid-November A refreshing garden with young buds

TETSUSO-EN GARDEN The garden was designed by a Zen priest named Hanzan. A pond surrounded by maple trees was constructed against the background of rock-mountains. The endless resonant sound of a waterfall creates a splendid and profound atmosphere.
 This type of garden is classified as a "strolling pond garden" and is also an example of a Muromachi-era style garden. This garden should be viewed from a sitting position. Through the garden gate,  path leads to a room in which tea ceremonies are held.
 In this garden, the beauty of each of the four seasons can be seen. You can see the new green of early summer, the colorful leaves of autumn, and the white snow of winter.
 Yorikane Kanamori, a feudal lord who reigned in the 17th century, devoted himself to preserving the landscape of the Jion Zen Temple. His books are treasures of the temple.

The view of the garden from inside the premises is exceptional.
Benzaiten Festival held regularly
every year on July 30.
A special winter atmosphere.

Suikin Kutsu

Structure of the Suikin-Kutsu.
 A large earthen jar with a small hole in the bottom is buried upside down in the ground. The water from the washing basin flows into the jar.
 Drops of water splash into the tiny pool below creating a soothing and spiritual resonance.

Take the Gifu Bus Meitetsu Shin Gifu Station to the "Hachiman Atago-cho Jionzenji-mae" bus stop in Hachiman town. The temple is in front of the bus stop.
Guide map

Address 〒501-4222 339 Shimadani, Hachiman-cho, Gujo-shi, Gifu-ken
Access 5 minutes (2 km) from the Gujo Hachiman Interchange on the Tokai-Hokuriku Highway
via National Highways 156 and 256
Phone / Fax 0575-65-2711 / 0575-65-5178
Business hours 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Holidays Irreg ular
(Unavailable for viewing from December 31 through the end of February if heavy snowfall)
Language English
Average budget Adults : 500 yen, Elementary & Jr. High Students : 300 yen
Parking bus : 7, car : 10

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TEL (0575) 65-2711 ・ FAX (0575) 65-5178

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